Architect: Henry T. Phelps
Year Built: 1906
The Terrell County Courthouse is located in the tiny town of Sanderson, Texas. It was significantly remodeled in 1930 and 1983.
Sanderson has a colorful history shaped by the coming and going of the railroad and natural disaster. It is known as the “Cactus Capitol of Texas.”The following excerpt from an article in County Progress paints a realistic picture of the vastness and isolation of Terrell County:
Terrell County has only two towns: Sanderson and Dryden. With a land mass of more than 2,300 square miles, Terrell County is the 10th largest county in the State of Texas, approximately the size of the State of Rhode Island with about 2.3 square miles of land for every person.
I particularly love the story of the eagle appearing on the plaque in the picture below: