Obtaining Case Dismissal on Limitations Grounds

What is Limitations? "Limitations" refers to the period within which a Plaintiff must file a lawsuit. Failure to file suit within the applicable limitations period can render the suit time-barred. The existence of limitations periods is grounded in the notion that...

Difference between Public and Private Nusiance

WHAT IS A "NUISANCE" IN LEGAL TERMS? Under Texas law, a “nuisance” is a condition that substantially interferes with the use and enjoyment of land by causing unreasonable discomfort or annoyance to a person of ordinary sensibilities attempting to use and enjoy it....

Jury Questions for Private Nuisance Claim in Texas

What is a Private Nuisance? In private nuisance, a defendant’s conduct substantially interferes with the use and enjoyment of real property owned by an individual or small group of persons. Private nuisance "may, for example, cause physical damage to the plaintiffs’...

5 Reasons Real Estate Mediations Fail

These days, Mediation is ubiquitous in civil lawsuits. The local court rules of most Texas counties require mediation, and the state's policy has been made clear by statute: Sec. 154.002. POLICY. It is the policy of this state to encourage the peaceable resolution of...

Proof for Prescriptive Easement Same as Adverse Possession

HOW IS AN  EASEMENT BY PRESCRIPTION ACQUIRED? A person can acquire a prescriptive easement if he uses someone else’s land in a manner that is adverse, open and notorious, continuous, and exclusive for the requisite ten-year period. Brooks v. Jones, 578 S.W.2d 669, 673...

Easement by Estoppel: Is Acquiescence Enough to Create an Easement?

Texas law recognizes multiple types of easements. One of the most nebulous of these is an easement by estoppel.   Easements by estoppel are unique because they are implied (not affirmatively granted in writing or even verbally) by actions ("acquiescing behavior")  --...

Railroad Company’s Duty to Warn at Crossings

RAILROAD COMPANY's DUTY TO WARN Railroad companies have a general legal duty “to give adequate warning of approaching trains, given whatever obstructions or other conditions exist.” Mo. Pac. R.R. Co. v. Limmer, 299 S.W.3d 78, 92 (Tex.2009). Because “every railroad...

Jury Questions for Trespass Claim in Texas

Why Study the Jury Charge? Before taking a case to trial, or even filing a lawsuit, it is critically important to understand the specific questions that jurors will be asked to answer. The juror's answers to the questions related to a specific claim or cause of action...

JURY CHARGE – Presenting Issues to the Jury for Decision

START FROM THE END, BEFORE YOU EVEN BEGIN My next several posts to this BLOG will explore the substance of the specific Questions that Texas juries are asked to decide in real estate lawsuits. Juries answer these questions at the very end of a civil lawsuit - after...

Is Injury to Your Land Permanent or Temporary? It Matters Greatly!

PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY INJURY - WHY IT MATTERS Injury resulting from damage to land is characterized as Permanent or Temporary.  This is true whether the injured party asserts a claim for nuisance, trespass or water diversion/flooding under Section 11.086 of the Texas...
What is an Easement By Estoppel?

What is an Easement By Estoppel?

WHAT IS AN EASEMENT? An easement confers upon one person the valuable right to use the land of another for a specific purpose. Hubert v. Davis, 170 S.W.3d 706, 710 (Tex. App.-Tyler 2005, no pet.).  An easement is a "liberty, privilege or advantage in land without...

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Proving the Existence of an Easement By Necessity

Proving the Existence of an Easement By Necessity

WHAT IS AN "EASEMENT?" “A property owner’s right to exclude others from his or her property is recognized as ‘one of the most essential sticks in the bundle of rights that are commonly characterized as property.’” Marcus Cable Associates, L.P. v. Krohn, 90 S.W.3d 697,...

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Invalidating a Notarized Deed is an Uphill Battle

Invalidating a Notarized Deed is an Uphill Battle

The validity of a deed -- and the conveyance of land it purports to represent -- often turns on formalities. Whether a deed is subject to being invalidated by a Court often depends on the ability of the party contesting it to prove that it was secured by fraud, or...

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Keep Calm and Call Your San Antonio Real Estate Lawyer

Keep Calm and Call Your San Antonio Real Estate Lawyer

COVID-19 has affected all of us. My small business is not immune from the pandemic's economic and life-altering  impact. Yet, we are here, adapting to the new "normal" to best serve our clients. Whether this means attending court hearings via ZOOM or meeting with...

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VIDEO: Accessing Bexar County Courthouse Gets Challenging

VIDEO: Accessing Bexar County Courthouse Gets Challenging

On April 6, 2020, Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff entered a revised Emergency Order in response to the COVID-19 Disaster Declaration. This Order (NW-o5) contains strict guidelines for all persons entering the Bexar County Courthouse. Among other provisions, the Order...

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New COVID-19 Forms from Texas Ass’n of Realtors

New COVID-19 Forms from Texas Ass’n of Realtors

The Texas Association of Realtors (TXR) is not taking the COVID-19 pandemic lying down. Instead, they have issued a series of responsive forms designed to assist their Realtor members and buyers/sellers in navigating the current market uncertainties. The forms are...

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VIDEO: Bexar County Courts Emergency Ops Plan

VIDEO: Bexar County Courts Emergency Ops Plan

On March 25, 2020, the Bexar County Civil District Courts issued the COVID-19 Court Operations Plan.  The Plan is effective April 6, 2020 and requires that ALL hearings be conducted remotely.  I made this video to provide information on the plan, and my initial "take"...

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Texas Realtors Issues COCID-19 Addendum to Contract

Texas Realtors Issues COCID-19 Addendum to Contract

From Texas Realtors: The COVID-19 pandemic is causing unprecedented impact and uncertainty for Texas real estate transactions. Voluntary and mandatory quarantines and the closure of government and private offices may impede the ability of parties to successfully fund...

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HOAs and Sustainability Improvements

HOAs and Sustainability Improvements

“The right of individuals to use their own property as they wish remains one of the most fundamental rights that individual property owners possess.”[1] Texas’ population explosion and climate change[2] have intensified the need for conservation of increasingly-scarce...

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What is an Option to Purchase in Texas Real Estate Law?

What is an Option to Purchase in Texas Real Estate Law?

TEXAS COURT DEFINITION OF "OPTION TO PURCHASE" Under Texas court decisions, an option to purchase is a land contract by which the owner gives another the right to buy property at a fixed price within a certain time. Bryant v. Cady, 445 S.W.3d 815, 819 (Tex....

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WHAT IS LIS PENDENS? "Lis pendens provides a mechanism for putting the public on notice of certain categories of litigation involving real property." Prappas v. Meyerland Cmty. Improvement Ass'n, 795 S.W.2d 794, 795 (Tex. App.-Houston [14th Dist.] 1990, writ denied)....

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Given the rapid expansion of Texas cities and changing nature of many subdivisions, deed restrictions sometimes seem antiquated.  This is especially true where once residential streets are now busy thoroughfares more appropriate for commercial use. Landowners...

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Beauty, like supreme dominion Is but supported by opinion -Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1741 [T]he law will not declare a thing a nuisance because it is unpleasant to the eye. —Schamburger v. Scheurrer, 198 S.W. 1069 (Tex.Civ.App.–Fort Worth 1917, no...

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